Monday, January 15, 2007

The long awaited photos

Today went better than expected. Although we were not able to get CJ to pose for a family photo (that will come tomorrow, hopefully), we did get a few good shots:

Here's the blow by blow, in brief:

At 2:45pm, we show up at the hotel lobby with some paperwork and bags of gifts for the orphanage. Meg and I and five other couples (including one single mother and her Dad) are led to a hotel conference room, where we wait impatiently for our daughters.

The orphanage director and staff show up with the six girls dressed in identical and extremely cute red outfits. My attempts to photograph the scene were not quite adequate, regrettably, although Meg managed to get a good shot of CJ and I.

After filling out some paperwork, we took CJ upstairs where she had a complete meltdown. Screaming unconsolably, I walked her back and forth in our room; managed to get her to nap for 15 minutes and then she started up again. Finally, Meg managed to feed her a bottle, and all of the sudden she must have decided that we weren't half bad because she pretty much calmed down.

We even took her down to the hotel restaurant for dinner, where she ate a bowl of corn congee.

After dinner, she fussed and cried a bit, but it was relatively minor and much much quieter. And now she's asleep.

An unbelievable day.



Unknown said...

Congratulations. She looks so cute. I cannot imagine what you are both feeling right now. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Congratulations!!!! Everyone here is thrilled. You look so happy, both of you. She's beautiful. (Good thing you got all that screaming experience the day of Mark's party). Love to the whole family!

Alyssa says "Hi CJ, I love you, and I have a picture for you. You are so cute, I can't wait to meet you!"

Sara says:Congrats! I can't wait to meet her. C u soon.She looks like santa in that outfit. When she cries, try to sing to her.E-mail me pictures if you get a chance so I can show my friends at school.

Anonymous said...

Btw, the above comment comes from with love from

Lisa, Alyssa and Sara (still trying to figure out how this blog thing works).

Anonymous said...

M&D -

Welcome to the club and enjoy the ride!

We are so excited for all of you ...including CJ! It was so special to get a call from you today - made our day! We'll be sipping champagne in your honor tonight!

Jay loved the pictures of CJ and can't wait to meet his new cousin (neither can Grace though she doesn't know it yet!).

With lots of love and kisses to the three of you,
Susan, Frank, Jay & Grace

ps - if you want us to pick up anything from the store so you don't have to go out your first day, please let us know.

5337 said...

Great, great news! It's amazing to see you two *finally* with the little angel. Thanks for sharing the excitement.

- Matt, Sue, Josh and Jake

Anonymous said...

Congrats! —So cute!

If it helps, Lily was the only girl in our group of 7 to cry like that. She fussed practically nonstop from 3 in the afternoon until she went to sleep at night. The next morning I gave her a bottle and she was all mine.

I've heard it said that the more they cry initially, the stronger the parental bond will become. It's because some girls make strong attachments to people in general, and it's distressing for them when things change.

You are in for a treat...well, there's that 18 hour flight home. Then you're in for a treat!

God bless you all!

Chuck, Anne Marie, Lily and Carol

konberg said...

I am so completely proud of the two of you. I'm both sorry and amused that things started with a total meltdown; things now can only be easier!

This is a great blessing.

Karen said...

I'm so happy for you three!! CJ is adorable and your trip sounds like a great experience. I hope you have a good flight home.

Sam was smiling when we first met him, but totally melted down the instant I had him in my arms. I'd say if you've already gotten her to eat in a restaurant for you, you're doing fabulously!!

Can't wait to hear more...