At the end of June, my job sent me to yet another corner of the globe, this time to Agadir, Morocco, for the International Whaling Commission's annual meeting. To start things off, while I was waiting to switch planes in the Casablanca airport, my wallet got picked -- on Father's Day no less. The meeting was as stressful and difficult as they all are. The World Cup provided a welcome relief, and the locals even tried to recreate a few games on the beach, but without the vuvuzelas.
Afterwards I tried to spend a few days in a very picturesque but crushingly poor town called Essaouira. The town was overrun by a music festival that was at times quite entertaining (and free, fortunately).
I've spent the past few weeks trying to recover, and reconnect with my family after too much travel over the past nine months. I'm going to try to post more regularly here, as it seems to be a better way of communicating than through facebook or twitter. But we'll see what the summer brings -- aside from an actual family vacation, of course.
Photos from Morocco can be found here.
You should definitely visit this small but outstanding town by taking cheap flights to Morocco and see for yourself how beautiful mediocre places can turn out to be.
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