The latest "distraction" is our hopefully soon-to-be new house. We agreed to the seller's counteroffer on April Fool's Day, of course, and the last two weeks have been a whirlwind of inspections, disclosures, decision-making, happiness, and anxiety. But it is a cute house, don't you think?

Yes, that screened in porch is as good as it looks.
Built in 1927, the house is a "Sears Kit" home, meaning that the blueprints and materials were selected from a Sears catalog and then assembled by a local contractor. It is also in really good shape (for the most part) and has no additions whatsoever (many of the houses here are kinda dull with additions that are even duller).
Aside from being exceptionally cute, the price fit nicely into our budget and we locked up the mortgage two weeks ago, when rates were at an all-time low. We're very happy.
Jammed into all the home-buying craziness was a three-day frisbee tournament where a large number of friends from New York came down to play and visit, and then a spring break-Easter family visit/invasion. Much fun was had, and the dust just settled.

Meg and CJ came to watch one day of the ultimate tournament, which was very nice because, at my tender age I'm not quite sure which tournament will be my last. I am particularly fond of this shot:

So now we brace ourselves for packing and moving, followed by the ups and downs of home ownership. But hopefully, we'll be settling down in our new house for a while. We've been living in transition for an eternity, it seems. It's time to lay down some roots.
Hey Guys - congrats on the house. Meg told me a couple of weeks ago and I meant to call you. I apologize. Best of luck. Hopefully there will be more ups than downs with homeownership, but it is always an adventure. Hopefully we can make a trip down there soon to visit you guys (Maybe once we are settled with Matthew). ~Jana,Pete, and Gabriella
PS - Hugs to CJ!
Congrats, Dan! Adorable house - hope everything goes off without a hitch.
Be well and love to all!
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