Well, you're not the only one who's hair is standing on end these days...
Not only that, but we're still in catchup mode! Here's a shot of CJ and Tomoki in Shenandoah National Park that got stuck in the camera (it was taken back at the end of August).

We went swimming after the hike.

And here's an early September tea party, held in our bathroom.

CJ and her friend Alicia enjoyed a fun day at the zoo, especially frolicking in the sprinklers.

On our next hike, also in Shenandoah National Park, CJ did her best 'masked marvel' impersonation.

And then she had fun goofing around with Tomoki and his parents.

When we returned from the hike, it was time for one last dip in the pool. CJ seemed a bit unhappy at having to leave her floaties behind.

Tomoki managed to eke out a good time though.

A few days later, CJ and Mommy visited the Potomac River's Great Falls two days after a tropical storm blew through:

Sadly, the parents of our neighbor Min Wen were returning to Beijing. CJ and Mommy presented them with a paper wreath they had made of their hands waving goodbye. We will miss you, Li Xiansheng and Xiao Taitai!

And now we catch up to last weekend, when NaiNai and YeYe came to visit. They brought CJ a pair of duck feet that went just swimmingly with the Dr. Seuss book "I Wish That I Had Duck Feet."

CJ always wants to see what the photo looks like after it's taken. Patience, xiao hai!

Who knew our galley kitchen doubled as a fashion runway?

We took NaiNai and YeYe to Great Falls, after yet another rainstorm. First, we crossed a few boardwalks through a swampy forested island.

And then we saw the great falls:

Even the little tributaries had nice little falls:

We had dinner with long-time family friends in a real hole-in-the-wall downtown with wonderful Belgian pub fare:

NaiNai and YeYe also brought CJ some clothes and games.

Lastly, Mommy, CJ and I went to a street fair in Takoma Park. CJ got a tattoo (!) and a dog balloon (as opposed to a balloon dog). Afterwards, we took in some blues:

What was it that Ferris said? "Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
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