For CJ's birthday, we hosted our family and Dan made them Peking Duck. There was some good story reading to be found in the living room:

And then, somewhere between stories and cake, the duck was served. Apparently, no one bothered to take a photo, and the duck didn't really last too long. And then the birthday cupcakes were a big hit:

On CJ's actual birthday, we gave her a nice doll of an ethnic group from her home province (something you can only find shopping in New York).

On Thanksgiving CJ watched her first football game:

She then did her best Joe Namath imitation, much to Bogey's delight:

And then goofed around with her cousins.

Once again, we were too busy eating to take pictures of the food. The next day, we all met for breakfast, and then took Daddy on a surprise jaunt around Van Cortland Park. Here we are at the diner:

CJ wasn't too enthused about Talk Like a Pirate Day this year, but next year might be a different story.
On the Sunday after Thanksgiving, we went out for breakfast, where a somewhat furious game of "Telephone" broke out.

And then, back to the birthday celebrations, here's CJ helping Daddy blow out his birthday canoli.

I think she liked it. She's definitely getting a leg up on the whole eating scene!

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