CJ met her cousins Sara and Alyssa today. And before that, CJ attended a Black History month reading given by our friend Caroline (and also met Linwood, Caroline's husband, and their son Ben). And then we met a whole bunch of people from the local Ethical Cultural Society parish. And yesterday CJ met Aunt Annie, and got to know Uncle Frank a little more. Yup, it's been a whole lot of meet and greet lately.
Anyhow, here's CJ and Meg with Alyssa, Sara and Aunt Lisa:

And here she is, crawling around after temporarily defeating my efforts to put her to bed:

Not to gloat or anything, but I eventually won.
You're a real man, Dan, but she will eventually win.
I have truly enjoyed reading and seeing all the images of your beautiful family!. The best is watching CJ on video - how awesome.
Can't wait to meet her!
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