Glad tidings all!!
We visited the pediatrician's office yesterday, and CJ was pronounced to be not only cute-as-a-button (which we knew already), tiny, but otherwise quite healthy.
The blood work and other tests have to be completed before she receives a clean bill of health, but while we were thrilled with the results of the exam, CJ was not quite so jubilant. In fact, she was pretty pissed off.
The only way the doctor was able to draw enough blood from CJ was with Dan holding her body, me restraining her arms, and an intern holding her head. Even then, CJ did a great job reprising Linda Blair's role in "The Excorcist." (Confined as she was and with little time to prepare for her theatrical debut, CJ was darn convincing. The doctor was impressed.)
Getting her to lie down again to be weighed and measured was like asking her to lie down on a bed of hot coals. Had she started to levitate, we wouldn't have been the least surprised.
The parting shots (pun intended) she received at the end of the visit merely added insult to injury.
I had brought a camera to record a thumbs' up shot from the doctor with CJ, but after the ordeal no one had the strength to lift a finger. Sorry folks.
CJ is a tough little cookie but also a sensible one: after one valiant attempt to stay awake -- arching backbend with head almost touching feet, arms extended (degree of difficulty 8.6) -- rather than starting to wail, her head fell gracefully forward and she was out like a light. And, btw, she's the only one still asleep this morning.
Rock on, xiao hai!!
-- Meg