Sunday, January 21, 2007

Photos and update

We are in so many ways amazingly lucky. Although Meg's been under the weather for much of the past week, she is finally starting to feel better. CJ has so far been quite healthy. She's babbling and giggling, sleeps soundly, and is very active and curious. When we met her, she couldn't even roll over on her back. Now, she's on the verge of walking.

CJ has also eaten everything we have given her without any problems. Here's she is chomping some noodles:

And here she is in her first official photo shoot:

We are so blessed indeed.


konberg said...

first post!

konberg said...

OK, that was immature. What great photos! Noodles are my favorite, too, so CJ is OK with me.

Anonymous said...

She is too cute for words!
So I'll stop.