Thursday, January 24, 2008

Monique visited us tonight

CJ was yet again a most gracious hostess with the most-est!

A new addition to the website

What with Super Tuesday approaching, I took the liberty of providing all of our blog viewers with a counter to when our current president leaves office. Technically speaking, it's not really related to CJ, although I could perhaps rationalize it as that her world will certainly be a better place once he's gone...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Catching up

We've been hard at work this month, at home and at the office. Can't you tell?

The weekend after Christmas, we visited cousins Sara and Alyssa, Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mark. We gave Alyssa an airplane ride:

CJ played us a few soulful ballads from her latest album:

And then the visit degenerated into a big game of twister.

Last weekend, Wendy, who used to teach us Mandarin, came over to teach us how to make dumplings.

CJ was taking notes.

After the dumplings, Meg and CJ rode out into the sunset...

CJ has also taken an interest in photography, or at least taking photos with Mommy's camera case.

It's good to have another shutterbug in the family!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

One year anniversary

CJ, Meg and I just had a lovely dinner to celebrate the first anniversary of when we all met. The past year has been quite crazy in so many ways, but she has been an amazing beacon of light and love through it all.

I have wished on occasion that the adoption process had moved more quickly, but if it had then we would not have met CJ. We are completely blessed to have her in our lives.

Many thanks to everyone who gave us their love and support while we waited for CJ and during the trying times afterwards.

We are very grateful for the time we have had with her already, and look forward to a more tranquil second year.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

Here's to a more tranquil 2008!

(fyi, our holiday cards will be mailed by the weekend. Sorry for the delay!)