We spent ten relatively fun days in Portland, Oregon, to close out the summer. I say relatively because during this time about half of CJ's teeth came in. That part was the only not-so-much-fun part. But we had a great time hanging out with our friends Stefee and Mike, and their parents.
In fact, Bob, Stefee's Dad, took us camping -- CJ's first camping trip. And this was no casual jaunt. Bob knows how to camp in style.

Mom and CJ quickly adapted to this new way of roughing it. Here they are lining up for breakfast:

The site, a secret location in the Mt. Hood National Forest, was beautiful. Here's CJ trying to adjust one of her new teeth:

And here I am with CJ, hiking along an old logging road:

CJ had a lot of fun with Stefee and Mike's pets. They have a big German Shepherd that CJ liked but had a hard time getting up the nerve to pet. She mastered the cats in no time, though. Here she is showing Tigger the door:

We also checked out the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. Here's Meg and CJ test driving a replica of the Gemini spacecraft that launched the day Meg was born:

And here's CJ holding court in the museum's sandbox:

No, we don't know why the museum had a sandbox.
On our last day, we went for a great hike to a cliff overlooking the Columbia River Gorge:

There's a few more photos and some videos from our trip that need to be pulled off of Meg's camera, and I'll try to post them at some point this weekend.
It's too bad the summer ended. With CJ, the season just sped past us!