She also liked jumping into the huddle:

But when it came time to actually watching, well, let's just say she spent most of the time searching unsuccessfully for me. And it's not like I was moving that fast either.
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Monday night, she had her first chocolate chip cookie--straight out of the oven!
At first the cookie was too hot:
But unbelievably, she just didn't like it!
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Last week, Meg and CJ went to the beach house in Massachusetts that Uncle Frank and Aunt Susan share with her family. Here's Uncle Frank and CJ with pinwheels:
Overall, the beach scene worked for her.

And she enjoyed playing the piano with cousin Grace.

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After the beach house we all met up at our friends Chuck and Liz's summer pad in Newport, RI. We didn't really stray too far from the pool. The poolside scene was pretty chipper, all things considered: